NIC Chandigarh UT Unit is responsible for ICT Support to various offices / departments of Chandigarh Administration. The details are –
- Application software design, development, implementation and training.
- Networking–LAN, WAN and City network.
- Setting up of Data Center and services concerned with it.
- Network hub of various NIC centres in and around Chandigarh
- Support services like Training, Video conferencing etc..
- Technical consultancy for various projects
- Support for e-Governance initiative of Chandigarh Administration
- IT Support to Central Government Offices in Chandigarh
- Implementation of National level projects
- Webservices
- E-Mail/Internet/telecommuting Services
Technical Processes
- Software Development
- Request for a software
- Feasibility study
- Preleminary survey
- Project propasal
- Acceptance by user
- Detailed system study
- Preparation of SRS and submission to user
- Acceptance of SRS
- Preparation of SDD
- Coding
- Testing
- Demonstration to user
- Finalization of Software
- Acceptance by user
- Preparation of user manual, installation notes and other relevant documents
- Packaging and deploying
- Training and implementation
- Monitoring of software
- Software implementation – for national level projects or software developed by
some other state unit- Procurement of software and relevant documents
- Local testing
- Demonstration to user
- Changes suggested by user
- Customization of software by developing NIC Unit/Division
- Acceptance by user
- Implementation and training
- Monitoring of software
- System administration
- Procurement/receipt of hardware
- Call lodging with respective vendor
- Installation of hardware
- Installation of requisite software – system and tools
- Checking for the latest virus definitions, patches and packs
- Monitoring the performance of the system
- Taking care of account creation and password handling
- Acceptance of installed hardware
- System maintenance – covers Servers, clients, SAN and printers.
- Detection of fault in the system
- Lodging complaint with respective vendor
- Monitoring of complaint if not being attended and escalating if needed
- On call being attended, checking if the system is giving desired results
- Call completion
- Network administration – covers Routers, PIX, Modems, Leased lines, VSATs
- Receipt of network hardware
- Follow up with concerned vendor for installation
- Tuning of the hardware for meeting the requirements
- Monitoring the performance through available tools
- Acceptance of installed network components
- Network maintenance
- Detection of fault – self detection , mail, telephone etc
- Lodging of complaint with vendor and making necessary entries in call registers
- Monitoring of the lodged complaint and escalating if needed
- On complaint being attended, checking if the desired results are there from call originator
- Call completion
- E-mail/internet services
- Receipt of request
- Form provided to user
- Filled in form submitted back
- Checking for all the entries to see if eligible for free or paid account
- Approval obtained
- Marked to System administration group to do the needful
- User informed
- Web Services
- Request received for website designing / development and hosting
- For sites where user is providing content on CD, online registration of URL is doneand site send for audit
- Audit report given to user for modifications in the contents
- When finalized site is hosted
- Where it has to be designed and developed also, contents finalized with user
- Design and development done
- Site demonstrated to user
- On acceptance site URL registered online and contents furnished for audit
- Site hosted
- Monitoring of site done
- Updations of the site done remotely
- Video conferencing services
- Request for VC received locally or a session planned remotely for which intimation is received through mail/website
- Participants informed about the VC schedule
- VC system checked for functionality and other arrangements made
- In case of some problems some alternate arrangements are made
- VC session conducted
- Training services
- Preparation of training calendar at the start of financial year
- Approval of the training calendar from training division
- Circulation of training calendar to all HODs
- Receipt of nomination in prescribed form
- Confirmation of nomination
- Checking of infrastructure in training hall
- Conducting training
- Provision of relevant material to trainees
- Feedback from trainees
- Analysis of feedback to make training more beneficial
- For paid trainings same processes are followed except that approval for the cost of the training and the expenditure to be incurred is obtained from AFA NIC Hqrs.
- Consultancy / evaluation services
- Requirement request is received which may be for some evaluation committee or selection committee or some other technical support which may only involve technical aspects and not commercial aspect
- If found viable, the case is sent to DG NIC for approval
- Once approval is received, an officer is nominated
- The report is submitted of basis of which further necessary actions are taken.
Administrative Processes
- Financial Approval
- For procuring any item, a quote is obtained form approved source
- A case is prepared and sent to NIC Hqrs alongwith quote for approval
- Approval is obtained from there
- Material procured and bill sent to DDO alongwith approval for release of payment
- Payment made to vendor
- Annual maintenance contract
- Rate contract with vendors signed at NIC Hqrs in the beginning of the year andcirculated to all
- Based on the hardware available, financial approval is obtained for whole year fromNIC Hqrs
- Annexure in prescribed format are signed with respective vendors
- At the end of quarter, pre-receipted bills in triplicate are received from vendors
- Bills marked to system administration group for verification and down timecalculation
- Bills with final amount calculated) and NIC hqrs approval, sent to DDO forprocessing and release of payment
- Enrolment of project trainees
- Applications received from students desirous of undertaking project in NIC
- Committee is formed to scrutinize the applications
- Recommended applicants are called for interview
- Based on the interview and the requirements, selections are made
- Project is allotted to them and are required to report the project leader
- Attendance is maintained
- Monitoring the progress of the project
- On completion, necessary documents are filled and signed
- Stipend, if applicable, is processed
- Trainee relieved
- Monitoring of payment due for various services
- List of such users and accounts where payment is due, is maintained
- When nearing the due date of payment, a reminder is sent through mail and post
- If payment received, entries in relevant registers are made and draft/cheque forwarded to DDO
- Otherwise, the services are stopped w.e.f. due date
- General consumable store
- Quarterly requirement of the division is listed
- Quotes from approved agency (kendriya bhandar) is obtained
- Case sent to NIC Hqrs for financial approval
- Once financial approval is there, material is procured
- Stock entry made
- Issued to staff
- Yearly verification of stock is done
- Technical consumable store
- Quarterly list of consumables required is made
- If rate contract is there for the items, then case sent to AFA NIC Hqrs forapproval
- Otherwise,quote is obtained from approved vendors and sent to NIC Hqrs for approval
- Order placed with vendor
- On receipt of material, necessary entries mad ein stock register
- Issued to officials on demand
- Yearly stock verification done
- Library
- For the books or magazines procured or obtained entries are made in accessionregister
- On requirement by any official, it is issued
- In case not returned , reminder is issued
- Yearly verification is done by a committee constituted for this purpose
- Disposal/Auction
- Identification of material to be disposed/auctioned
- In case of software/consumables, fill up usage certificate & destroy
- Completion of GFR Forms
- Constitution of Auction Committee
- Approval from NIC Hqrs for disposal/Auction
- Publication of Auction Notice/Advertisement
- Conduct Auction
- Approval from NIC Hqrs
- Make necessary Stock Register Entries