Visit of MD NICSI to review NICSI Chandigarh projects at NIC UT Chandigarh
Sh. IPS Sethi, DDG and MD NICSI visited Chandigarh on 06-08-2022 and reviewed NICSI Chandigarh projects at NIC UT Chandigarh. Sh. Ajay Rampal, DDG & Head of Chandigarh Data Centre, Sh. Vivek Verma, DDG & SIO NIC Punjab, Sh. Ramesh Kumar Gupta, SIO NIC UT Chandigarh Sh. Ramesh Gupta briefed about the issue related to procurement of Active LAN components for UT Chandigarh with MD NICSI and also highlighted that the completion of LAN is very crucial for this building as it is likely to be inaugurated during the month of August, 2022 and will be the seat of high profile officers of Chandigarh Administration. MD NICSI assured that instruction will be given to the Project Manager/ concerned officer of NICSI Delhi to do the needful on priority basis.
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